
why ashley rebekah is such a universe-sized idiot...

alright. here's what happened.

for the past 10 days or so, i've been having "trouble" with my car. and by "trouble", i mean it hasn't been starting.i decided it was time to take the car in to the shop when levi (my brittany spaniel) and i got stuck in a chilly grocery store parking lot on tuesday night. i have lately taken to running errands with my dog. he's alone for such a massive part of the day that it is simply too heart breaking to leave him again in the evenings for errand running. so i usually throw him into the car and we errand together.

back to tuesday night.

after about 3 tries in that chilly parking lot, the car did finally turn over. levi, bearing witness to all the drama and panic of this event, gave me a look that only a disappointed child or dog could give it's irresponsible parent, as if to say "when are you going to start acting like a grown up and take better care of ME???". i sighed, gave levi a sideways glance as he tilted his curly auburn head in shame and embarrassment. i picked up the phone, called toyota, and made an appointment for friday.

which brings us to this morning. just wait... i'm getting to the idiot part.

bright and early, after about 4 cups of coffee and 6 attempts to start the car, it finally did start. i drove the car out to the shop, stepped out of my car, gave the nice technician my keys and explained the situation. he walked over to my car, opened the door and sat in the drivers seat to take down the usual information (VIN #, mileage, etc). but then, he stepped out of the car and kindly summoned me - "ma'am? i think i know what your problem is..."

yeah. my FLOOR MAT was all crumpled up under the clutch, so the clutch wasn't quite making contact enough to start the car.

for this, i woke up at 5:15 a.m., showered and drove 15 miles.


Blogger JL! said...

Well, hey, at least it's a cheap fix, huh? And quick, too!

11:44 AM  

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