
ladies and gentlemen, for my next trick...

in the shower this morning, where i have all of my clear-headed thoughts, i was thinking that i should write something on my blog. it's been a while since i wrote here, and for once i'm actually doing really well. i just celebrated a birthday last week, representing another year of life lived, another circle around the sun, and another season of self learning. compared to last year at this same time (read all blogs beginning in may 2006), i feel like a different person; better, clearer, fuller. perhaps it is the shifting seasons, or the onslaught of healthy choices. but who wants to read that sunshiny happy crap on someone's blog? ya'll come here for the endless wallowing misery, you know it. because misery is the best blog fodder.

speaking of misery, allow me to tell you what happened to me this morning after i got out of the shower, dressed, and headed to work.

at approximately 8:33am, i got into the first car accident of my adult life (accidents in highschool don't count. what the eff does a highschooler know about driving anyway?). now, i know what you're thinking... "oh, she was probably texting in the car like she always does" or perhaps you're thinking "she was probably doing her makeup while driving again" or maybe, for those of you who really know me "she was practicng 'the buffalo' and 'the robber' while driving again? she's really gotta cut that out". but i will have you know, that i was doing none of these things.

i was paying attention, watching the road, hands to the wheel, eyes to the pavement. and then, in the fraction of a fraction of a second, someone nearly pulled out in front of the person who was driving in front of me, who reflexively slammed on their brakes, which, as the laws of physics would have it, did not leave me enough time to reflexively stop. the sweet tender spot on the hood of my toyota matrix ("sister christian") met the trailer hitch of the gas-guzzling-earth-destroying-big-toosh SUV in front of me, which subsequently crumpled the hood, and probably some important expensive shit under the hood, like a cheap church bulletin.

shock. disbelief. panic. confusion. fear. denial. pain. more pain. yup, more pain...

on the prompting of the gentle yet authoritative police officer who responded to the scene, i got a free ride in an ambulance, 4 hours at methodist hospital that i can never get back, and some valium and vicodin to take the edge off.

here's to hoping that car insurance, prescription pain medications and "god-help-me" prayers all deliver what they promise: protection, relief, and peace, respectively.


Blogger gloria said...

I think it is rather strange that no one commented on this blog. Perhaps it's because your real time friends would have given you a call or seen you in person after the crash. ???

Anyway, I thought your "because misery is the best blog fodder" statement interesting. It's true unless the misery is just too miserable. Maybe misery lite. or middle or the road misery. I wonder if some bloggers fade away because their current misery is too personal or tender to blog about.

have you noticed blogland has gotten kinda quiet?

12:40 PM  

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